Vacuum or cupping massage is a type of alternative therapy that involves suction of the skin. This suction is thought to improve the flow of energy in the body and facilitate healing.

One of the oldest medical texts about vacuum therapy is Eber’s papyrus (1550 B.C.) from Ancient Egypt. Back to that period, ancient doctors used different types of cups: one with a narrow opening and a long handle and the other with a wider opening. Chinese, Greek, Unani, Korean, and Tibetan also used cupping in their daily practice.

Vacuum massage increases blood circulation that relieves muscle tension. It improves overall blood flow, promote cell repair, form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels as well.

In 2018, two scientists provided review about cupping or vacuum therapy. It was reported benefits for a variety of conditions that can be categorized as either localized or systematic diseases.

Accordingly to their review, the effects of vacuum therapy include:

  • promoting skin's blood flow
  • changing the skin biometrical properties
  • increasing pain thresholds
  • improving local anaerobic metabolism
  • reducing inflammation
  • boosting cellular immunity
  • increases local blood flow and stretches underlying tissue

A 2019 study also documented that vacuum massage is:

  • altering pain signal processing
  • stimulating increased blood circulation through the release of nitric oxide
  • stimulating immune system with artificial local inflammation (we don't go there  )
  • increasing the level of immune products, such as interferon and tumor necrotizing factor
  • increasing the flow of lymph in the lymphatic system
  • decreasing uric acid and both types of cholesterol
  • changing the molecular structure and function of hemoglobin



LPG Endermology uses modern devices instead of cups. It allows to vary frequency and power of suctions for vacuum massage while beautifying your body and improving your health as a benefit.

At Sekrets Clinic, we know the secrets of beauty and wellbeing

Sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../pii/S2005290117302042


